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How Giampaolo Ienna Went from Homeless to Celebrity Real Estate Agent

By Ascend Media

Giampaolo Ienna

Giampaolo Ienna

Provided by Ascend

Taking over the NYC real estate industry is Giampaolo Ienna, a fast-rising real estate broker. He now works at Elegran Real Estate, a top real estate brokerage in Manhattan. Giampaolo is the go-to celebrity real estate broker for off-market properties such as apartments, houses, buildings, and hotels for sale. Most of his clients are prominent names in society, including celebrities who identify him as the focal person in the industry. Giampaolo is also widely known for his straightforward and client-needs-based approach that serves the clients' best interests. His passion and love for what he does it's evident in the efforts he pumps into understanding his client's wants and expectations. 

Though many know him for his concept of “under-promising and over-delivering” that makes him rub elbows with those in the higher echelons of society, not many understand his journey to success in the industry. It is always a shocker to most clients to learn that Giampaolo rose from being homeless to becoming the number one celebrity real estate broker in the industry. But, it’s the truth, and it's always an inspirational story that he often shares to inspire others to find their purpose, conquer their fears, and rise to live their dreams. 

Giampaolo was born in Palermo, Italy, where he got to spend his childhood years. He later moved to New York City in 2009 in search of a better life, with a little over $200. Life was not easy for the ambitious Giampaolo, who could barely afford to keep a roof over his head. Giampaolo spent nights on a bench on 6th Avenue and Hudson Street with nowhere to call home. Though he slept there for only a few days, Giampaolo recalls them being some of the longest days he’s ever had in his life. It might have been the cruelest environment for anyone, but he recounts it as a learning phase that gave him the biggest lessons of his life. “You’re gonna die! Do something about it.”

His quest to better his life landed him in the hospitality industry, where he worked for years. An ambitious individual, Giampaolo found himself doing real estate as a side hustle. He had planned well, handling the real estate business in the morning, taking a break that included hitting the gym and later heading to the restaurants he worked in from 4–11 pm and then off to the clubs as a DJ. His work revolved around some of the most important clubs in NYC and Miami, where he also met some of his current real estate clients.  

However, Giampaolo had to take out one of the three jobs due to how demanding they were becoming, choosing to drop the nightclub DJ work. He also started to focus more on the real estate industry, with the desire to grow into new things. His new goal was to establish contact with potential clients through some of the big restaurants he worked in, such as Cipriani and Hunt and Fish Club, and invite them to his real estate office the following morning. 

This was his career until three years ago when he chose to drop everything else and focus on real estate fully. He’s been working hard, doing real estate full time in Manhattan, Miami, the Hamptons, and Los Angeles, rising to become the leading celebrity broker. 

His dream is to grow and dominate the industry and hopefully rebuild his family's wealth.

By Ascend Media